Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee

5 September 2022


Report of the Chief Operating Officer


Cover Report: Pre-decision scrutiny of Devolution Reports to Executive in September 2022


1.        This report explains the context to the draft reports which are scheduled to be discussed at Executive on 15 September 2022. Those draft reports are attached (Annex A and Appendices 1-6) for discussion by the Committee.


2.        On 01 August 2022, the Leader of the Council signed a proposed devolution deal with Government. Subject to approval by local authorities, the deal would provide for a range of powers and funding to be devolved to York and North Yorkshire from Government and require the creation of a Combined Authority and an elected Mayor.

3.        The statutory process requires that a Governance Review is carried out to assess whether the statutory and local conditions are met to allow the Secretary of State to draft an Order that would permit the creation of the Mayoral Combined Authority.

4.        If the statutory tests are met, Local authorities can publish a Scheme, which describes the future arrangements, and consult on the Scheme.

5.        The Executive reports outline that process and recommend that the council proceeds to statutory consultation.


6.        Consultation on the Scheme is a statutory part of the process and described within the draft report.




Council Plan


7.        The recommendations of the draft reports relate directly to the following council plan action:

·        Work across the region to secure devolution at a meaningful scale for the benefit of the whole of Yorkshire and contribute to the Local Industrial Strategy, which will help to shape our regional growth.



8.        The implications are included in the Executive report.

Risk Management


9.        There are no additional risks identified beyond those outlined in the Executive Report.



10.    The committee is asked to consider the draft papers and provide feedback and comment.

Reason:    To ensure appropriate scrutiny and oversight of the devolution proposals


Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Will Boardman

Head of Corporate Policy and City Partnerships

Ian Floyd

Chief Operating Officer




Report Approved














Specialist Implications Officer(s)  None



Wards Affected:






For further information please contact the author of the report






Annex A               Agree The Devolution Deal and Commence Consultation




Appendix 1           Governance Review Report


Appendix 2           Draft Scheme


Appendix 3           Equality Impact Assessment


Appendix 4           Devolution Timetable


Appendix 5          Devolution Member Briefing


Appendix 6           Draft Terms of Reference for the Joint Devolution Committee






CA – Combined Authority

GVA – Gross Value Added

IMD – Index of Multiple Deprivation

LEP – Local Enterprise Partnership       

MCA – Mayoral Combined Authority

TUPE - Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)

YNY – York and North Yorkshire